Monday, July 2, 2012

We're in Warsaw Again...

Returning to Warsaw meant we were coming "home" and Melissa would have only a few more days with us, as she would be returning to the states the following Tuesday.

Sundays are great days in Warsaw!
We took our children to church the Warsaw II Branch...3 hours of Polish church with English translations.
We loved introducing our children to the members who attend here and for
Melissa, Jamie and Caroline to meet so many of the people we interact with, serve and talk about.
We also attended the first Chopin concert of the summer season...held outdoors at the Łazienki Park....just up the road a mile or two from our home. For a whole hour a concert pianist performs Chopin music.
The music is beautiful, peaceful, and very relaxing to hear. 
After the afternoon concert, we stood in front of the well known Chopin monument. 
The scaffolding near the statue is usually not erected, but for some reason it was this weekend.
We enjoyed walking around the beautiful grounds....bright green foliage everywhere...
....and lots of peacocks too!
I had only seen live peacocks at the San Diego Zoo seeing the wild peacocks again roaming inside this park was a fun site!

We wouldn't have a chance to go up to the Cultural Palace before Melissa left, so we drove up to the  Palace after dark so she could at least get some pictures taken at night.
The Cultural Palace is  quite a beautiful building at night.
Monday...we took our visitors to the Wilanow Palace...we walked around, toured inside...
and of course enjoyed another outdoor Polish meal more time!

Mark and I said our "good-byes" to Melissa at the Chopin Airport early Tuesday morning. We have driven to many airports and sent Melissa off many times... but this time it felt a tad different...we would be staying and she would be traveling much farther away.
No tears for me this time as I knew I would see Melissa in a month...lucky for me!
We love you Melissa....thanks for coming to Warsaw for our Family Vacation!

After Melissa left Warsaw, our life as tour guides/tourists slowed down a bit.
I had my month long US trip to get ready for and we were all ready for some
simple family fun....
So...we went bowling...
we went up to the 30th Floor of the Cultural Palace and looked out over the city....

we looked in all four directions....trying to figure out where we lived.

We also went over to the Kabaty Forest. This is where I began walking with nordic poles (last fall) once a week...and had taken Mark once before.

The forest looked so much different compared to the fall....the green trees were gorgeous.
My biggest challenge would be to try and remember the path I had taken before...I'm not sure if I did, but we entered and eventually exited the forest...all in about an hour.
It was peaceful...
a little light...and some cool breezes...
The Kabaty Forest was a great place to end our time in Warsaw with our children...sans Melissa.

The ten days for Melissa and almost two weeks for Jamie and Caroline to be here...flew by so quickly!
We loved having our children here in our the city where we live and work... and to see
what our lives are like here in Poland.
  So good-bye to Poland.....for Jamie, Caroline and me....
Mark would be staying in Warsaw...while I travel to the US....Houston, Texas, San Diego, California and Washington D. C. 
Hello....United States of America!

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