Monday, January 23, 2012

Blue Sky and Sunshine!

 Last Tuesday, before noon, we had blue sky and sunshine! 
Why do I post this?
The last time we had blue sky and sunshine was over a week ago!
 Once I saw the blue sky, I stopped what I was doing and decided I needed to go for a walk before the blue sky disappeared (which happens often)! I walked over to the park across from our neighborhood. 
I was not alone because I soon heard and saw many others enjoying the outdoors like me!
 The park has a number of small ponds...and here they are frozen!

 These dry, colorless bushes actually look pretty with a dusting of snow...
 It was fun to see these few birds walking on top of the frozen pond!
 Ahhhh....some color amidst the brown and white!
Here is a hill that I walked by...
what caught my attention were children's voices yelling "ready, set, go"....
and then sliding down the hill.  When they got to the bottom of the hill they began speaking Polish. Interesting how they acquired that phrase in English for such a fun activity as sledding!
 There was actually one pond not frozen, and many people were walking by...feeding the ducks, strolling, and catching some sunshine like me!
 Throughout the city there are numerous boxes like the one above. Though they have been out for a number of weeks, they have only been used recently...
The boxes are filled with sand and maybe salt also. The sand/salt is scattered on steps, walkways, and sidewalks. I'm grateful for the makes walking a bit easier...but it also makes quite dirty snow and slush! 
Mark often says I am beginning to sound Polish when I talk of the blue sky and sunshine. I never realized it was such a treat until I go for days without blue sky and sunshine! 
How lucky I am to enjoy such a simple activity on a January day! 

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