Saturday, June 18, 2011

Week 1 in Poland

I can hardly believe we have been in Warsaw a week! The time has flown by so quickly!
Our air shipment arrived and 200 lbs was put away so quickly...we are looking forward to getting the rest of our shipment soon...maybe even next week.

I have learned to wash and dry clothes, use the dishwasher, ride the Metro without Mark and even buy something at the store solo ( I bought a small bag of M&M's .... I thought I surely could do that without difficulty). I did okay, gave more than enough money but when the cashier continued to speak in Polish...I was flustered but smiled. I walked away with change and M&M's so I must have been successful!

We have been to the grocery store a couple of times. We do not have a car at this time so we do a lot of walking...the steps and exercise are good for us and I really don't mind.

The first 24-36 hours were a bit challenging when I could not find what I to wear, contacts, etc. but then I had the thought...think of what I do like some of the things I do like about Poland...
1. Love the view of my backyard (green, trees, homes)
2. Quiet neighborhood...though there are children's voices, and music that make me smile
3. The feel of the water running on my hands
4. A clean and spacious home
5. Beautiful neighborhood
6. Have met very nice neighbors (one family is from France and the other from Scotland)
7. The people I've met from church, and Mark's work are very kind
8. Recognizing a few Polish words and phrases when I hear the tv, radio, or people talking
9. Getting so much rest! I am amazed at how much I am sleeping...maybe my body is trying to catch up from the past 4 months.
10. Being together with Mark after our 4 months apart!

Today Mark and I attended a special 20 year anniversary celebration for the dedication for the only chapel in Warsaw and all of Poland for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It took riding the Metro, taxi and tram to get to and from the Wolska Chapel. I'm so glad we attended ...being able to see this building (though we do not attend church here each week) and knowing this is where the church began here was good. The chapel is next to a beautiful wooded park and we enjoyed a picnic lunch of Polish hotdogs and kielbasas (sausage) after the meeting. They serve their hotdogs in a breaded holder and the food was delicious!

This is the park and wooded area next to the Wolska green and beautiful!

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