Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving in Warsaw

Happy Thanksgiving from Warsaw, Poland…

I have absolutely loved the fall season here in Poland! The changing leaves and trees have been beautiful once again, we have had many cold days, and I love wearing sweaters and scarves….it has been a beautiful season! But today…has been a little different, it is the very first time I have not been in the United States for Thanksgiving…and I am missing home today! 

Last week Mark called around to a number of hotels thinking maybe they would be serving an American Thanksgiving meal in Warsaw….but no such luck for us. Then Mark remembered about a restaurant called "Jeff's" that serves American food and we could possibly have some luck there. There are two locations in the Warsaw area and so when Mark came home from work today (first time he has worked and worn a suit on Thanksgiving)….we drove to the restaurant. 

One of the best parts of this Thanksgiving evening was that Mark was home at 4:30pm!!!! That never happens…and I was so happy to have him home so we could enjoy our Thanksgiving date!
 We arrived at the restaurant about 5pm….but it has been this dark since 3:30pm! Darkness arriving so early continues to amaze me!
After parking our car…I noticed an American flag waving near the restaurant…that made me smile!
 After being seated, we asked the waitress if they had an American Thanksgiving meal for today because we didn't see anything listed on the menu. She said "tak!" (which means "yes"). I ordered the Thanksgiving meal…but Mark ordered a Texas burger! I thought that was funny since it was Mark's idea to call around to hotels looking for a place serving a Thanksgiving meal, and it was his idea to take me out on Thanksgiving?
 Here is my American Thanksgiving plate…a huge amount of turkey, a little bit of dressing, carrots, mashed potatoes and a little bit of cranberry sauce. Also served prior to this plate was a vegetable-turkey soup that was quite tasty!
 My meal was really good! No strange spices, flavoring, sourness….it was all quite good! Of course I could not eat it all…but I was so happy eating a Thanksgiving meal (though without friends and family). 

Mark enjoyed his HUGE Texas hamburger and HUGE portion of fries!
 They brought out the dessert that went with the Thanksgiving meal…I knew it was pie with a dollop of whipping cream and a small Polish scoop of ice cream…but what kind of pie would it be?
It did not look like pumpkin…never heard of chocolate dribbled on pumpkin before? Maybe it was a peach or fruit pie? We shared and tried to figure it out.
 I asked our waitress… Co to jest? (What is it?) When she said "Dynia" …I knew exactly what she meant…"pumpkin"! We were actually eating a pumpkin pie and we didn't even know it!
It was quite different (they do not have canned pumpkin in Poland)…so this was the real deal…a real pumpkin pie!
 Happy Thanksgiving…at Jeff's in Warsaw, Poland
 As we left the restaurant, posted outside was this HUGE sign (that we did not even notice when walking into the restaurant)…announcing their special for the day…."American Thanksgiving Day Dinner"!
 Mark had quite a busy and important day at work…and was tired…but we were so glad he was able to leave work early…and together we could enjoy a Thanksgiving date !
 Though it has not felt like the Thanksgiving season in Warsaw this year….except for in our home….I have had a thankful heart all month long…and I am so thankful for each new day! We are blessed, we have daily challenges, and we have grateful hearts!
Happy Happy Thanksgiving 2012!

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