With Melissa and Lance's engagement official as of August 30, it was time for me to go to the U.S. once again….and help Melissa plan and organize her wedding and reception.
Meeting Melissa with her Lance
I flew to Salt Lake City (SLC) on the U.S. holiday of Labor Day, September 2. It was only 3 days after the engagement, so we had planned the trip with the expectation that the engagement would occur. It was a good idea for me to come and help organize the wedding because Melissa and Lance were both in school at the University of Utah….Lance as an undergrad, and Melissa in her third semester of grad school.
Just minutes after landing in SLC, Melissa picked me up and took me to meet Lance and his parents in Holladay, a small enclave in the greater SLC area. I had been traveling for approximately 24 hours, but it was a treat to meet Lance in person. Previously Mark and I had only seen Lance on the computer screen on video chats. It was also great to meet Lance's parents, and get to know our Melissa's future husband and family.
I stayed in Salt Lake City for five weeks…from September 2 to October 7. It was a very busy time of planning and decision making.
Wedding Planning….
The wedding will take place in the Salt Lake City Temple on Saturday, December 21, 2013.
Getting an appointment in the temple was the easy part….
….finding a location for the reception was much more challenging.
I talked with and/or visited 13 different venues. The challenging part was that the wedding date is December 21.…when venues are booked for Christmas parties, and also the end of the college semester, a traditionally popular time for weddings in Utah….not to mention that fact that it was already September, so we were starting late.
Here were just 3 of the places we looked into for a reception….
The Devereaux Mansion
We liked this place…it is a beautifully restored home….but not big enough for the expected number of family and friends that would attend the reception.
We stopped at The Woods….another nice location.
Ultimately we chose the Willow Creek Country Club as the venue for Melissa and Lance's reception….just a ten-minute drive from where Melissa currently lives.
It is in a lovely location and was decorated very nicely during September….and are confident that it will be just as nice in December.
After the venue was selected, there were decisions to be made about the photographer, wedding cake, food, DJ, flowers, announcements, wedding dress, dresses for the bridesmaids and….a dress for the bride's mother! So many decisions for this once-in-a-lifetime occasion.
Wedding Cake Shopping….
Melissa had many ideas and was able to explain to the cake decorator what she wanted.
Melissa and Lance were able to taste-test different cakes, fillings and frostings.
It is to be their cake….so they had full rein of the flavors they wanted to have in their cake.
Lance and Melissa took a break from studying to taste-test the wedding cake samples. My job was to write down any comments about what they liked or disliked. They had fun!
I took Melissa to 3 or 4 wedding dress shops and she tried on numerous dresses. She decided on a dress at a shop in Holladay called The Perfect Dress.
It was fun seeing her try on so many styles of wedding dresses….she looked so beautiful trying on wedding gowns. Before I returned to Poland, a wedding dress was selected and one of her alteration fittings had occurred. With each alteration Melissa said she liked the dress more and more, and was very happy with her decision. I'm so glad!
I promised that I would not post any of the pictures of her trying on wedding dresses….she will make a beautiful bride and she glows when she is wearing her gown!
There was also time for a few non-wedding activities during my time in Utah…getting to know Lance and his family and seeing Melissa and Lance together was a delight.
During the middle week of my visit, Mark came over from Poland to meet Lance and his family….although we joke that the real reason for Mark's visit was to write checks. It was good to see Mark and have his support with all of our decisions….he said that he quickly realized that he didn't have the right insight for wedding planning, so he willingly left it up to us. Before he returned to the U.S. we all sat down to watch the movie "Father of the Bride"….we have a whole new appreciation for that movie!
A trip to the Jordan River Temple with Melissa and Lance
A beautiful fall day in Salt Lake City…so glad we made time for a visit to the temple together.
BYU vs University of Utah Football Game
Melissa and Lance did not get to go to this game but they enjoyed being rivals during the day.
Though Melissa and Lance both attend the University of Utah now, Melissa went to BYU for her undergraduate studies, and says she will always be a BYU fan.
This is an intense rivalry….as intense as any in college football. University of Utah won the game on the Saturday, September 21st.
Melissa was disappointed but Lance was very happy!
Dinner at The Roof
Lance's parents, Bev and Craig treated Melissa, Lance, Mark and me to dinner at The Roof restaurant in downtown Salt Lake City.
Last year for Melissa's birthday dinner, we came to this same restaurant…and were seated at the exact same table as this evening.
The Roof is at the top of the Joseph Smith Building, right next to Temple Square. The views of Temple Square and the surrounding city and state capitol were very beautiful at night.
I have seen the Salt Lake City Temple numerous times…but I will always look at this temple differently now….as this will be the place for Melissa and Lance's wedding.
Pickett Cousin Gathering….
Mark's nieces and nephews, and their spouses, that live in Utah met us at Salt City Burger, along with other special friends. For over 3 hours we ate and visited.
In addition to family, we invited special friends Marta, her fiance Collin, and her brother Duardo to join us.
Mark's nieces and nephews, and their spouses, that live in Utah met us at Salt City Burger, along with other special friends. For over 3 hours we ate and visited.
We were so glad we could gather with our wonderful nieces and nephews and their spouses!
In addition to family, we invited special friends Marta, her fiance Collin, and her brother Duardo to join us.
Mark has one sister and two brothers, and there was one child from each Pickett sibling at the gathering. From left to right below….Spencer (son of Mark's brother Brent), Lindsay (daughter of brother Scott), our Melissa, and Alycia (daughter of sister Kathleen).
I just love these Pickett cousins! How lucky for them to all be living in Utah and able to see each other! Since this reunion they have all met up again.
We loved the milk shakes, hamburgers, and fries….and enjoyed sharing with each other as well.
We loved the milk shakes, hamburgers, and fries….and enjoyed sharing with each other as well.
Below are Collin and Marta, to be married Saturday, Nov. 23….with Lance and Melissa.
Marta is the daughter of a woman whose family Mark baptized into our church when he was a missionary in Puebla, Mexico over 35 years ago.
A few years ago, Marta and Melissa had a chance encounter when they were both teachers at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. After talking for a few minutes, they realized that Melissa's dad was the same person that had been a missionary to Marta's mother's family in 1976. Ever since, Marta and Duardo have been family friends.

Mark, me and Duardo.
These three cousins….Lindsay, Melissa and Alycia…will have all been brides in 2013.
Mark, me and Duardo.
These three cousins….Lindsay, Melissa and Alycia…will have all been brides in 2013.
Lindsay was married in May, Alycia in August and Melissa will be married in December.
Just some of the Pickett cousins and their spouses….we were so happy as we gathered and had family time together. The restaurant was great to let us visit for such a long time.
Mark and I left the restaurant very happy… wishing we could have had all of the cousins, and their parents, there that night.
Bridal Showers for Melissa….and Lance?
While I was in Utah, Melissa was given two very nice bridal showers.
While I was in Utah, Melissa was given two very nice bridal showers.
Shower #1….Bult Family Shower
Lance's mother Bev comes from a large family. Her siblings, their children and others gathered to shower Melissa and Lance with great "theme" gifts.
Lance was invited to the shower….the only male there. He was a great sport and enjoyed the time with his family…but I think he especially enjoyed being there with Melissa!
Each family was assigned a "theme" for their basket and gifts….. themes such as kitchen, camping, personal, entertainment, bedroom, etc. It was fun to see the creative gifts that were given.
Me, Melissa, Lance, and Bev.
Thank you to all of Bev's sisters and nieces who were so generous to Melissa and Lance.
Melissa and Lance are just such a cute couple! They radiate happiness!
Lucky for me…I was there to participate in her fun evening!
Bridal Shower #2….
Our good friend Laurie and her friend Maurine, who also happens to be the wife of the bishop of the Melissa's ward (church congregation), gave Melissa a beautiful shower also.
Our good friend Laurie and her friend Maurine, who also happens to be the wife of the bishop of the Melissa's ward (church congregation), gave Melissa a beautiful shower also.
This shower was a come-and-go shower….people stopped in to visit, ate wonderful food, and leave gifts….and then were on their way. Melissa was given fun and useful gifts by so many.
Before Melissa opened each gift, she was asked a question about her, Lance or the both of them. It was fun to hear her responses and learn so much about their young relationship!
Special friends, family and important people in Melissa's life came to be with her….Below is Connie T. who met Melissa when she and her husband were missionaries in the Oakland, CA mission at the same time Melissa was a missionary there. I remember from Melissa's letters how she was so grateful for this wonderful lady!
The wife of Melissa's mission president….Colleen B….so kind of her to come and be with Melissa once again! Melissa thinks highly of this lady….she was a second mom to Melissa while she served her mission. I think highly of her as well!
Here is a Pickett/Schofield gathering. Lindsay, Dawnette, Melissa, Veda, Becky, Raynalyn, and me. Veda is one of Mark's aunts, married to his Mom's brother Don. Dawnette and Raynalyn are two of her daughters, and Becky is her daughter-in-law. So kind of them to come.
Friends who used to live in Houston came…thank-yous to Suzanne and Heather who both live with their families in the Salt Lake City area now.
Nan and Janet, sister and Mom of our dear friend Diana in Houston, live in SLC. It was wonderful to see them when they came to the shower.
Melissa and Cardin, Laurie's daughter….just like sisters….

….when Cardin scrunches down a little!
Just some of the wonderful Cullimore girls….they have been Melissa's second family, and we are so thankful for each one of them. They have loved Melissa as a daughter, sister, and friend.
Thank you to Maurine, who opened her home for guests to come and go, and shower Melissa with beautiful, fun gifts for her life ahead.
Thank you to Maurine and Laurie…..these are women that my Melissa can look up to, admire, and emulate in her life!
How lucky for me to be with Melissa for two showers given in her honor. Such wonderful times to share together!
One Sunday after church, I asked Melissa and Lance if they would like to go to the Salt Lake City Cemetery….to see if we could find the graves and headstones of some of the past presidents/prophets of our church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.
We found the graves of….Gordon B. Hinckley (15th president)….
….David O. McKay (9th president), who was the president/prophet when I was a little girl….
….Howard W. Hunter (14th president)….
….and Spencer W. Kimball (12th president).
We were only at the cemetery for an hour…but I was so glad to find the final resting places of these wonderful church leaders.
The last weekend in Utah was spent in St. George, a 4-hour drive south of SLC, with the Hackett family. They have a second home in the St. George area. We went for the weekend… to watch church conference sessions together.
While there, one of Lance's nieces celebrated her 1st birthday…a fun time with family
The air was warm and the sky a brilliant blue in St. George...
It was a good weekend with Lance's family and visiting friends (Kelvyn and Laurie were also also in St. George for the weekend) during conference weekend….one of my most favorite weekends of the year.
I left for home (Warsaw, Poland) the following day. I truly enjoyed my time in Utah.
It was great to see Melissa and Lance together, to give support and encouragement, and to help organize the wedding and reception.
I look forward to seeing Melissa and Lance in two months…I will be returning to Utah two weeks before their wedding day!
The big day for this cute couple will be here soon….Dec. 21st! This is also Lance's birthday…so he will have two big events to commemorate on the same day forever more….what a lucky young man!!!!
A great love story told by the momma of the bride.
ReplyDeleteSo very happy for Melissa.